International Rhino-Otology Conclave 2019 - Overseas Delegates

Hyderabad ENT Research Foundation (HERF) is glad to announce the International Rhino-Otology Conclave 2019. We are proud to state that we have trained more than 3300 ENT surgeons from all over India and world including many from countries like USA, UK, Malaysia, Singapore, Iraq, Iran and Bangladesh during our previous 109 workshops. Our KPHB premises have a dedicated 6000 sq.ft floor space reserved solely for research and workshops. A 12-Station Temporal Bone Laboratory with HD quality camera mounted microscopes, and a 150-seater auditorium is some of the highlights of this state-of-the-art venue.

Workshop Faculty

Tentative Schedule

Coordinator 1

Coordinator 2

List of Delegates attending the workshop :

Delegate Name Institute Country
Billing First name Billing Company Billing City
FazliddinShifo NurTashkent
TuygunkhanHayat medical centerTASHKENT
Ghafoor JanGhafoor ENT ServicesKhost

Workshop Dates

From :

To :

Workshop Venue

Hyderabad ENT Research Foundation
Academic floor
Dr. Rao’s ENT Super Speciality International Hospitals
Road No 4, KPHB 3rd Phase
Behind Temple Bus Stop
Hyderabad, Telangana 500072

Registration Fees

Indian Participants Rs. 8000

International Participants $200


0 of 200

Note -
(i) Make sure you are choosing the right country/registration fee, else your registration maybe cancelled.
(ii) You must be registered and signed in, to register for the workshop.


Our Location

Plot No. 29, Road No. 4, 3rd Phase
KPHB Behind Temple Bus Stop
Hyderabad, Telangana - 500 072

Click here to find us on Google Maps

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